
Online Test

Online test

An online test system is a computer based test system that can be used to conduct computer system. All classes test schedule on our website. Vist our website and collect information about online test. Online test everything you need to know about going digital

Online examination is also online examination enables examiners to conduct exam by using the internet and company-wide intranet for remote candidates. It requires candidates to answer question within a per -decided frame. the test window collapses once the exam is over,and institutes get real-time reports. Evaluators then access the answer and grade accordingly. the fully automated system supports objective evaluation and helps generate results faster than in a traditional exam format.

With advanced custom protecting and exam solution. It is no possible to host variety of exams using the online test

1.Semester and entrance exams for educational ins

2. coding programming assessments

3. images-based or media based online exam

4. Open book tests

5. competitive exam and contests

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Gerneral knowledge

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